France :
Les frais de port sont calculés automatiquement à partir du poids des objets du panier.
Les prix affichés des produits sont TTC. La TVA s’applique sur les frais de port.
Envoi simple : lettre verte, sans suivi, sans assurance.
Lettre suivie : idem mais avec un numéro de suivi.
Recommandé (Colissimo) : envoi avec suivi et assurance. Cette option est la plus économique et la plus sûre dès que le paquet dépasse 1 kg.
PORT GRATUIT pour la France pour toute commande à partir de 150 euros ttc (l’option apparait au moment de la finalisation).
Si vous voulez réserver pour atteindre cette somme, merci de nous contacter (30 jours maximum pour la mise de coté).
Outside France:
Shipping fees are automatically calculated depending of the weight of the items in the cart and your country.
Prices of the items are displayed in euro and tax included (20% of vat for media, 5.5% for book).
Customers from the European Union (EU) have to pay the french VAT and will never have to pay import tax on orders.
Prices for customers from outside the EU (including Switzerland, Norway and UK) will be displayed at checkout without french VAT rate. The local customs may add import duty/local sales tax to your order when delivering, based on the invoice attached with the parcel (usually at a rate equivalent to the french sales tax / VAT + a flat rate fee). The customer is liable for any such charges, not Corticalart.
We can send as a low value parcel for customs (and without invoice) if you accept to pay the french VAT (20%). There may be controls for parcels beyond 2 kg. Contact us if you’re interested in this option since it’s not possible to do it directly through the website.
Shipping method (french post):
Simple : as letter (up to 2/3 CDs), no tracking, no insurance
Tracked parcel : the most reliable solution, 2 kg maximum
(some prices , inside UE : 10.2 euros (tax included) up to 1kg, 11.88 up to 2kg – outside UE : 14.5 euros up to 1 kg, 18.5 up to 2kg)
Registered parcel : with tracking and insurance.
Outside Europe : there’s usually a gap in shipping fees when the order exceeds 2 kg (6/7 LPs or 20 CDs or any combination up to 2 kg).
Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg : 170 euros
Other EU countries : 200 euros
Switzerland, UK, Norway : 170 euros (based on total without tax)
(free shipping appears as an option at checkout when amount is reached)