“How did you develop the work on your CD? Was it through-composed or improvised, or was it a combination of the two? And is the method you used for this piece fairly typical of your compositional practice?”
OB : “This suite was created over a span of several years. I developed techniques inside piano through rehearsals and performances, sketched the basic ideas out–the motives, physical materials, etc., leaving a lot of room for improvisation between the composed bits. I think of the suite as somewhat modular. I can switch sections around while key features, like patterns on the keys in each section, are composed. There are certain aspects that are unpredictable by nature. For instance, the resonant notes inside the piano, amplified through the contact mics and mini speaker, lead the note choices I play in the keyed patterns. So in terms of live performance, each piano and the materials I place inside the piano become key factors. The score sets these processes in motion, but leaves room for my spontaneous reactions to the natural acoustic phenomena within certain boundaries.”
Une pièce sans titre pour piano et orgue de 2017 qui navigue entre composition et improvisation avec peu de travail de studio à l’opposé du travail habituel de cette compositrice. Une concentration sur le jeu, la résonance et la note étendue.