Program: Antoine Beuger: silent harmonies in discrete continuity (fifth music for marcia hafif), series I. Performer: Electronic Music.
“Silence is not an acoustical phenomenon
silent harmonies: three-minute sounds, stationary, quiet, pure waves
each sound has eight frequencies, each from a different octave range
there is silence where depth disappears and expanse emerges: on the surface
in discrete continuity: one soud goes, another one comes and on it goes, step by step, continuously
still waters are said to run deep,
but in reality it is the imperturbability of their surface
that impresses us.
for marcia hafif:
american painter of monochrome paintings
and a quiet person’s silence hides nothing deep –
it hides nothing at all.”
Où il est beaucoup question de son et de silence.
Des séquences de trois minutes, stationnaires, calmes… des ondes pures avec huit fréquences de différentes octaves… des vagues… apparition – disparition…
Un hommage à la peinture monochrome.