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Roland KAYN “Simultan”
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Fernand VANDENBOGAERDE “Les Années 1967-1984”
Pierre HENRY “Labyrinthe !”
Bernard PARMEGIANI & François BAYLE “Divine Comédie”
Flora YIN WONG – Sébastien ROUX “Trigram for Earth / 50 Frequency and Amplitude Modulated Sine Waves Describing a Landscape”
James TENNEY “Postal Pieces”
Ben VIDA “Vocal Trio”
COMPILATION “New Music for Electronic and Recorded Media”
Luigi NONO “Fragmente – Stille, An Diotima”
Aaron DILLOWAY “Freak-Out Your Friends!”
Leila BORDREUIL “1991, Summer, Huntington Garage Fire”
Twig HARPER “Ha Ha Laughing Record”
Aaron DILLOWAY “Bhoot Ghar: Sounds Of The Kathmandu Horror House”
Aaron DILLOWAY “The Absence Of Milk… (Soundtrack)”
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Éliane RADIGUE “Œuvres électroniques”
Luc FERRARI “L’œuvre électronique”
Bernard PARMEGIANI “L’œuvre musicale en 12 CD”
François BAYLE “50 ans d’acousmatique”
Pierre SCHAEFFER “L’œuvre musicale”
Jean-Claude ELOY / Hors - Territoires
Jean-Claude ELOY “Yo-In”
Jean-Claude ELOY “Shânti (1972-73)”
Jean-Claude ELOY “Gaku-no-Michi (1977-78)”
Jean-Claude ELOY “Anâhata”
Jean-Claude ELOY “A l’approche du feu méditant…”
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Colin POTTER “We Couldn’t Agree on a Total”
Michèle BOKANOWSKI “Musique de courts métrages, Music of Patrick Bokanowski’s short films”
Angus MACLISE “Tapes”
Terry FOX “Labyrinth of the inner ear”
Sales - Soldes
William ENGELEN “Verstrijken”
REDGLAER “American Masonry”
ILIOS “El anillo invisible que sujeta el mundo de la forma al mundo de la idea”
Cristián ALVEAR / Yuma TAKESHITA / Yuji ISHIHARA “Tumo Plays Cristián Alvear”
DRIPHOUSE “Spectrum 008”
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